Our First Ever Meeting!
Established team - Mentors attended 2056 Ways, to get a better understanding of how they needed to run the team. Al Douglas of St Clair College’s Robotics program was with them as well, and this was helpful in making connections within our community.
We had our first 3 meetings and attempted to organize the members according to their initial interests.
We decided on our team name and started to work on our brand and logo. Greg Donais, of Certa Opportune became our first sponsor and business mentor. He helped us focus our ideas and create the final look for our team.
We also created our website www.lessorrobotics.ca.
We started working on our business plans and sponsorship packages. Set a budget. Team shirts were ordered. Established our pre-season meetings, to be every Wednesday immediately after school. Began to brainstorm possible mentors and sponsors.