Popcorn Sale and Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
In order to raise money for our Robotics Team, we decided to sell kettle corn during lunch to the students. $5 for a large bag $3 for a...
Bag Day -- It's in the bag!
Worked late on the lift shield – found the problem but not the materials to fix it! Found a mechanical problem the limit switches - we...
Junior Lego Robotics Team
Our Robotics Team is mentoring a Junior Lego Robotics Team! Our FIRST Robotics Team helped the juniors through their journey as they were...
Build Season - Week 6
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Marketing and business team are translating all of our documents into French. Our...
Build Season - Week 5
Monday OK so we might have started to panic at this point! Tuesday and Wednesday Programming, some CAD work. Designed and printed up some...
Build Season - Week 4
Monday Assembled all the electrical circuits and connected them to the motors. Fixed some bugs and made sure everything was working okay....