Build Season - Week 4
Assembled all the electrical circuits and connected them to the motors.
Fixed some bugs and made sure everything was working okay.
Continued to work on the Chairman’s Award Essay, answering questions and perfecting answers to convey our team’s goal. Thank you Mme Fortin for helping us with our essay and keeping us focused.
Tuesday and Wednesday
We continued to work on our essay, answering questions. We made sure that we followed all the rules, especially the character and word count. We also started to translate the essay into French.
Build team took measurements for the scissor lift and tried to make it work.
Made improvements to the gear basket.
Programmers worked hard today trying to get the robot to move, by the end of day it was spinning in circles.

Complications with the robot today, but we were able to figure out what the problem was, and fix it, it was the wiring. It took a lot of effort, but we were finally able to get the robot to move again. It was amazing to see how we were all able to come together and work to get the job done.
Worked in the school shop with no power (for safety reasons).
New mentor Paul came out to help with programming...Yay Paul!